FA 483, Project and Concept
Spring 2015, Washington State University
Dennis DeHart, Assistant Professor
Dennis DeHart, Assistant Professor
9:10-11:40 Tuesday and Thursday
Rooms: 7093 / Lighting Studio
E-Mail: dennis.dehart@wsu.edu
Rooms: 7093 / Lighting Studio
E-Mail: dennis.dehart@wsu.edu
Office: FA 7025, Phone #: 5-4981
Office Hours: Tuesday/Thursday, 12-1, or by Appointment
OverviewOffice Hours: Tuesday/Thursday, 12-1, or by Appointment
This is the third photography course in the WSU photography area sequence. In the first
two courses, you were introduced to many new technical tools and elements of photography in
addition to principles of art making. FA 483, Project and Concept, is focused on developing a
more sustained, thoughtful, and expanded projects that reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the
medium including balancing the technical, formal, conceptual, and emotional elements of
photography. This class meets simultaneously with FA 382, and for all practical purposes, will
overlap in some areas, be new in other ways, and ultimately reinforce many of the primary
element of photography that are critical for a balanced curriculum. In essence, we will work
together, learn from each other, share knowledge and resources, while functioning as a learning
community. As an Advanced student, your will be asked to take initiative, self direction/learning,
and to ultimately empower yourself while taking control of your learning objectives and artistic
goals .
Learning Objectives
-Self Design sustained, semester long project photography project
-Critically engage with, write, discuss, and present ideas and concepts associated with
photography in general and more specifically your work
-Develop, expand, refine technical and craft aspects of image production in all stages
(photographing, editing, printing, exhibition and display)
-Sustained research on a photographic artist/movement/technology/concept
1. Production/art work
2. Research
3. Participation/Attendance
Art and Photography, Davis Campany, Phaidon Press, 2012
Readings, Chapter Themes: Memory and Archives, Objective Objects, Traces of Trace,
The Urban and the Everyday, The Studio Image, Arts of Reproduction, Just Looking,
The Cultures of Nature.
Optional Text
Photography,11th Ed, London, Upton, and Stone, Pearson Education, NJ, 2013.
1. A self designed, sustained semester long project. We will spend the first few weeks of class
conceptualizing, designing, and implementing the the project.
Due: End of the Semester
2. Choose 3 assignments from FA 382. Since FA 382 is different semester to semester, some of the
assignment will be new, while others familiar. I would suggest doing assignments that relate to your
area of focus (video, Photoshop, etc.)
Due: Weeks 3, 5. & 9 (there is some flexibility with this)
3. You will need to choose one chapter from the Art and Photography book and make work in response
to the reading.
Expectations/Requirements/ Attendance
Consistent and engaged attendance and participation in all aspect of the class is required. Please
discuss absences in advance with the instructor. Repeated absences will result in the lowering of
your grade. Two unexcused absences are allowed. Additional unexcused absences will reduce
your final grade by one-half a letter grade. Eight (8) or more unexcused absences will result
trigger an “F”. Not coming to class, arriving late, or leaving early, is not acceptable. Each
occurrence will reduce your final grade by one-half a letter grade. Each instance of being
unprepared to work will reduce your grade by one-half a letter grade. You are expected to
complete all assignments on time. A final portfolio will be due for this class, in addition to
several technical and artistic assignments.
E v a l u a t i o n
Students will be evaluated (graded) through a combination of assignments, attendance, quizzes,
and participation. Full participation in all aspects of the class including critiques will be graded.
Additionally, because this is an art class, students will be evaluated on creativity and their ability
to produce work. This means that if you make a considerable effort, the instructor will take your
labor into account, though this does not guarantee an "A."
For maximum success, concern yourself less with your grade, and focus on investing yourself
into the process of photography and art making. For some of you, this might mean the one and
only art class you ever take, while for others it might be the beginning of something you will
continue to do indefinitely. Either way, treat the class seriously and challenge yourself to learn
the most you can about photography.
Academic Honesty
WSU is committed to principles of truth and academic honesty. Academic dishonesty includes
cheating, plagiarism, and fabrication in the process of academic work, and can result in
suspension or dismissal from the university. In this class, academic dishonesty will result in
failure of this course and will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct
Disability Accommodations
Reasonable accommodations are available for students who have a documented disability. Please
notify the professor during the first week of class regarding accommodations needed for the
course. Late notification may cause the requested accommodations to be unavailable. Students
needing accommodations must first have them approved through the Associate Director of
Student Services, VSSB203a.
Cell Phones/Hand Held Media
WSU is committed to providing a quality- learning environment. All cell phones/ smart phones
etc. need to be placed in a non-audible mode while in classrooms, computer labs, the library, the
learning center, and testing areas. Cell phones must be used outside these facilities.
Supplies / Equipment
-Each student should have access to a high quality Digital SLR camera or a medium format film
camera. We have some cameras that students may check out.
-Access to a tripod, cable release, remote trigger, Memory cards for camera
Recommended Retail:
B&H Photo (NY) www.bhphotovideo.com
Freestyle (LA) www.freestylephoto.biz
Glazers (Seattle) www.glazerscamera.com
Tentative Class Calendar
Weeks 1, Photoshop:
-Curves (Tonal/contrast/dynamic range adjusting)
-Color Correction/Editing
Assignments: HDR, Extending Space, The Multiple
Weeks 5-9, Lighting Studio:
-Performative Studies
-Forces (High Speed capture)
-Principles of Basic Lighting Design
-Lighting for Portraiture
Assignments: Re-Photo project, The portrait
Weeks 10-13, Video with DSLR:
-Principles of shooting with a DSLR
-Editing Options
-Fundamentals of Video Editing
Assignments:, Group Projects, Performance Studies
Weeks 14-16, Final Projects