Sunday, May 6, 2012

Summer Session Links, Ideas, etc.

Course Theme: The Subjectivity of Place and Space
The emphasis in the course will be on our psychological, emotional, and experiential perspectives on place and space. This will include classroom lectures, seminar, technical demos, reading, and photographing in the field. We will be taking several day trips to various locations throughout the Palouse region. We will also be discussing issues centered around how we interpret space and places through culture, memory, physicality, and aesthetics. Technically, we will be working with different imaging techniques in order to extend, layer, and expand our perceptions of space. We will be looking at works by a variety of contemporary photographers.

Our Learning objectives include:
·Understand DSLR cameras, technically and artistically
·How to use Adobe Lightroom to import, organize, edit and present images
·Use technical tools of photography to observe and extend natural phenomena
·Explore psychological, emotional, and experiential perspectives on place and space.
·View fine art photographers work
·Take field trips to several locations
·Exposure/how to meter/read light
·Photography in regards to Input (make photo) output (print/upload, etc photo)
·Projects synthesizing conceptual, technical, aesthetic, emotion, and design principles
· Discuss the effects of culture, memory, physicality, and aesthetics in terms of place


Color Memory
From Joseph Albers book, Interaction of Color
Joseph Albers concluded that humans have poor color memory. He used the analogy of a red Coca Cola can, which though “red’ is seen differently by different individuals. Some thoughts he concluded:
·Color is deceptive.
·Color can and does evoke different readings depending on circumstances.
·Observation reveals discrepancies between “physical” fact of color perception 
·Color has a psychological effect.
·Color is in a constant state of change depending on relationships to neighboring colors.
·Color is a private experience.
·Color is ultimately in a constant state of flux. 

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